Petition your electors!

If we’re ever going to get rid of an electoral college that counts Wyoming votes as worth 4 times as much as a California vote, then it’s going to be this way. The Democrats being fired up over an  unfair loss and a second Republican president that the popular vote did not choose is a unique circumstance that we cannot waste.

Fortunately, somebody made a website: in which you can petition your electors in the electoral college to vote their conscience as is their right per the constitution. Ultimately, we need to dismantle the electoral college entirely, but this would be an excellent first step and maybe even keep Trump out of office. It’s a hail mary. Let’s get to it.

They make it very simple! Just click “voice your opinion” and fill in your name and city. There is an empty box inside which you can compose your own message, but if you’re feeling tongue-tied, I’ve got some text for you to copy-paste right here. (They fill in the Dear, and the Sincerely, pleasantries for you)

Suggested wording 1:

When the electoral college was designed, it had good intentions and bad intentions. The founding fathers knew that democracy is vulnerable to being taken over by demagogues and they wanted a firewall in place to stop that from happening. But they also wanted the coasts not to have the right to vote away the agricultural areas’ “right” to keep slaves. Because I live in a (highly populous coastal state/low population state), my vote counts (significantly less/significantly more) than my fellow Americans in other areas. I do not believe that it is right or fair that Clinton should lose the presidency even with an overwhelming lead in the popular vote. This December 19th, when you cast your vote, please consider using your constitutional right to vote your conscience and show your support for the majority of Americans who voted for Clinton.

Suggested wording 2:

As you may have seen in the news, there is credible reason to believe that the election has been tampered with by foreign interests. In every swing state that Clinton was predicted to win by several points, Trump took a lead by exactly 1%. Clinton leads the popular vote by 1.7 million and counting. As an American who is conscious of foreign threats, I am counting on you in the electoral college to vote in the interests of the majority of Americans and refuse to cast your vote for Donald Trump.

Suggested wording 3:

In the time since the election was declared in favor of Donald Trump, a number of troubling facts have come to light. First, Trump has business interests in many foreign countries that have political interests at odds with the United States which we were unable to vet before the election due to his refusal to release his tax returns. Second, Trump is soliciting business deals using his influence as president elect of the United States. Third, the popular vote count has come out overwhelmingly in favor of Hillary Clinton. I am highly concerned as a voter that Americans’ voices are not being heard equally and that the country’s interest may be in peril as a result. We are counting on you, the electoral college members, to be the firewall we need and vote your conscience against Donald Trump on December 19th.

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