
Readers and Writers:

This website is in its early stages as I’ve only begun this work as a result of the sickening results of the November 8 2016 election.

Letter writing campaigns have long been a successful tactic of the right. Emails are easy to delete, but actual letters must be opened and handled, which creates a time and emotional investment that is more difficult for information-saturated staffers to ignore.

This website will provide form letters and suggested addresses of recipients. I encourage you not to email these letters, but to personalize them, print them, and mail a physical copy. It doesn’t cost much or take much time but your small investment could make a difference beyond the minor impact of signing a petition or posting on social media.

If you have your own letters or concerns that you’d like the government to address, I encourage you to use our Submissions option. I will fact-check it personally and would be happy to edit for grammar or clarity issues before publishing.

Thank you,

Heather McNamara